Mental Health Crisis
The CII-CSRA joint venture in the first phase worked on identifying work-related stressors with neurological/clinical evidence on negative impact to mental health and the team also determined the key outcomes of success we should measure from any EAP service. Using peer-reviewed literature and field-data, the team completed its work on what negative factors in the workplace need to be addressed and how we measure the success of any mental health intervention in the workplace. The second phase of the project sought to design and test interventions to improve workplace wellness thereby reducing the likelihood of the workplace triggering or exacerbating mental health issues among workers.
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Peer-reviewed publication
Bhandari, S., Sherratt, F. and Stoddard, E. (2023) A critical assessment of mental health research in the construction industry, Proceedings of the CIB W099/123 Annual Conference – Digital Transformation of Health and Safety in Construction, Porto, Portugal, 21-22 June 2023. [ACCESS HERE]
Stoddard, E. C., Bhandari, S., Sherratt, F., & Colpack, M. What Mental Health Stressors Do Hispanic Construction Workers Actually Care About?. In Construction Research Congress 2024 (pp. 548-556). [ACCESS HERE]